Women and children first!
I had a discussion with two women from a UK-based non-profit group called "Women and Children First". Joanna Drazdzewska is the Head of Programmes and her colleague Annemijn Sondaal is the Programmes Manager. Joanna and Annemijn developed a tool that helps connect healthcare workers with pregnant women in communities in Ethiopia. The tool is a simple calendar. It is designed to help women become enaged in their pre-natal care. This simple calendar might be a good resource for Life Matters International because it is paper-based, it doesn't even require a computer! This is an important feature when we conduct medical missions in rural areas that lack technology infrastructure.
Joanna and Anemijn are still in the process of collecting data. They expect to present the data that qualifies and quantifies effectiveness in mid May 2022. This fits into LMI's timeline for conducting the first medical mission in late 2022. I see a great potential in partnering with "Women and Children First" by helping them test this calendar tool.
Check out their tool at https://www.womenandchildrenfirst.org.uk/blog/calendars-crucial-health
It's always nice to see great ideas come to fruition from groups and individuals who share our passion.